MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
MyBB Internal: One or more warnings occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
<![CDATA[CQOhio Forums - All Forums]]> 2025-03-31T03:28:46Z MyBB doaausef3li]]> 2024-04-24T23:10:38Z 2024-04-24T23:10:38Z <![CDATA[The importance of stock market players]]>
Most small investors in the stock market are afraid of being bitten by stock market hawks, which always stems from their huge experience in the market and the size of the gains they succeed in achieving at the expense of new traders. Despite this, there is a paramount importance to hawks in the trading market, and it can be summarized as follows:
سوق الهوامير
     The presence of market leaders in trading sessions gives the market a high percentage of liquidity, as their absence from the market means low liquidity.
     In their absence, the percentage of financial transactions decreases.
     When players are absent from the financial market, the proportion of trading costs and administrative expenses for small traders increases.
     In their absence, the daily transaction rate decreases significantly.
     When they are absent, companies' funds decrease, and the movement of the financial market becomes very slow.
     The presence of hawks gives the market a state of activity and a high rate of transactions and transactions.]]>
doaausef3li]]> 2024-04-21T22:38:44Z 2024-04-21T22:38:44Z <![CDATA[How do I buy shares in Al Rajhi?]]>
Investors and traders can purchase through the Al Rajhi application within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

So that shares are sold through stock trading markets, with a set of specific criteria.
متى اشتري سهم الراجحي
There are specific times when shares are sold, and the sale occurs in the morning periods when share prices record an increase.

When an investor wants to buy shares, he must study the prices to know the appropriate time to buy shares, and when it is appropriate for him, he can buy through the Al Rajhi application through the following steps:

     Download the Al Rajhi Bank application that suits the type of mobile phone.
     Open the Al Rajhi Bank application from the phone.
     Complete the registration process by typing your username and password.
     Record the verification code that is sent via text message, and write it in the correct place.
     Open the home page of the Al Rajhi Bank application.
     Click on the investment icon.
     Choosing IPO services.
     Click on the option to buy shares from the available options that are offered.]]>
doaausef3li]]> 2024-04-21T22:23:30Z 2024-04-21T22:23:30Z <![CDATA[Disadvantages of trading using harmonics]]>
Despite the many advantages provided by using harmonics in trading, there are some common disadvantages as well, including:
اهداف نماذج الهارمونيك
     Harmonic patterns in technical analysis have many patterns. The sides that make up the harmonic pattern are always linked to the Fibonacci ratios, which is the main axis of price movements. Therefore, the harmonic patterns depend mainly on the Fibonacci ratios. If there is only one pattern, the trader can remember those ratios, but On the contrary, there are more than six harmonic patterns, which makes it difficult for the trader to study and remember all the patterns without using indicators or specialized software, in addition to the difficulty of identifying the harmonic pattern that can achieve success and provide large gains.
     One of the most common problems that most beginners face is the possibility of conflicting signals emerging from harmonious patterns, especially those that develop in more than one different time frame, to the point that two bearish and bullish patterns can be observed at the same time, which may create some dispersion in Minds of traders.
     There is a high probability of hitting the stop loss. Traders who closely follow the rules of harmonic trading usually determine precisely the levels for entry or stop loss. However, these levels may be subject to manipulation by major traders, and this may be one of the main drawbacks of harmonic models.]]>
justinwilliams]]> 2024-04-18T00:20:45Z 2024-04-18T00:20:45Z <![CDATA[Vilitra 60 - Fulfill your every sexual fantasy]]> Vilitra 60 is used to treat male impotence. Vardenafil, an ingredient in this medication, aids in giving men a powerful erection during sexual activity. Only men who are at least eighteen years old should use this medication. Take this medication half an hour before sexual activity. The Vilitra Review is available for viewing in our store. This medication can be taken either before or after food. Consume this medication with water; do not crush or chew the tablet. Follow your doctor's advice when taking this medication.]]> false doaausef3li]]> 2024-04-17T19:38:34Z 2024-04-17T19:38:34Z <![CDATA[Disadvantages of a French trading application]]>
Just as we talked about the tremendous advantages that the French Tadawul application has, it is also necessary to learn about the most important defects and complaints received from the application’s users, which are:
تطبيق الفرنسي كابيتال
     Automatic exit from the application while it is running for no apparent reason.
     The password that is registered the first time in the application cannot be changed.
     It is not safe to register for the first time through the application. Rather, it is preferable for the new user to register through the website for the first time, and then use the application.]]>
doaausef3li]]> 2024-04-16T13:05:30Z 2024-04-16T13:05:30Z <![CDATA[Conditions for selling shares in Al Rajhi]]>
Before learning how to sell shares in Al Rajhi Corporation, it is necessary to know the conditions that must be met in order for the investor to be able to sell his shares in Al Rajhi Corporation, which are as follows:
طريقة بيع الاسهم في الراجحي

     The customer must have a current account, whether in Al Rajhi Bank or in another bank within the Kingdom.
     The client opens an investment portfolio in Al Rajhi Bank, which serves as an investment account in which the shares are stored so that the client can trade or sell them.
     The customer must register a personal account in the Absher service in the Kingdom.
     The customer must own shares to trade, buy and sell, whether through the Al Rajhi application directly or through the official website of the Al Rajhi Financial Corporation.]]>
doaausef3li]]> 2024-04-16T11:36:52Z 2024-04-16T11:36:52Z <![CDATA[What are halal stocks?]]>
They are stocks that the investor can invest in in accordance with Islamic Sharia, such that these stocks are classified as halal, with the presence of some controls and legislation. There are some controls on which stocks are based to be classified as halal, and by relying on these controls it is possible to determine which stocks are halal in trading. Those controls are as follows:
الاسهم الحلال بالسوق السعودي
     The company specialized in offering shares must operate legitimate businesses that are not inconsistent with religion.
     The company offering shares does not deal in forbidden matters, such as alcohol, buying and selling debts, gambling, or similar activities, which are forbidden activities.
     The company must not deal in usury or lending, and if there is some usury in its dealings, the income from it must not exceed 6% of the company’s total income.
     The company's debts must not exceed one-third of its assets in the event that this exceedance occurs. Here, it is not permissible to invest in its shares, even if the company operates permissible businesses.
     The company's liquidity does not exceed 50% of its holdings.]]>
doaausef3li]]> 2024-03-24T22:50:47Z 2024-03-24T22:50:47Z <![CDATA[Why is the support and resistance calculator important?]]>
The vast majority of investors in the financial market are keen to use the pivot points produced by the support and resistance calculator in all their trading due to their great importance and the advantages they offer, including:
أفضل برنامج لحساب الدعم والمقاومة
     The Support and Resistance Calculator is considered one of the most important and valuable technical analysis tools in Forex trading.
     The calculator provides a simplified way to understand money market trends.
     It helps in knowing the direction of the financial markets. When prices are above the pivot point, the market direction is upward. When prices are below the pivot point, the market trend is bearish.
     The Pivot Calculator allows traders to easily calculate potential levels of support and resistance points.
     The calculator provides a better possibility for the success of trading strategies.
     The pivot calculator helps identify potential reversal points, and potential levels of support and resistance.
     The calculator includes simplified calculation formulas that are easy to understand and use, especially for new users.]]>
doaausef3li]]> 2024-03-24T00:52:41Z 2024-03-24T00:52:41Z <![CDATA[Citigroup Bank branches in Saudi Arabia]]>
As we mentioned previously, Citigroup is one of the most important financial institutions in the world, and it owns many branches in various parts of the world, including the corporation’s branch in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is considered one of the most active branches, which provides a wide and different range of financial and banking services to the corporation’s clients in the bank on a regular basis. Trusted and licensed.فروع سيتي بنك في السعودية

However, it must be noted that the services provided by Citigroup Bank in Saudi Arabia do not include trading services and it is not considered a licensed trading company and does not exclude trading on the Saudi Stock Exchange in any way, but rather is limited only to banking services. Therefore, caution must be exercised when dealing with any trading company that impersonates Citigroup or claims to be affiliated with it and provides any trading services under the name of the institution. Especially if that company does not have a license from any of the relevant regulatory authorities in this matter. In the world of investment, nothing is more important than caution and precaution.]]>
doaausef3li]]> 2024-03-23T03:13:16Z 2024-03-23T03:13:16Z <![CDATA[The best broker in the Gulf Cooperation Council]]> افضل بروكر للتداول
     The best broker in the Gulf Cooperation Council must provide the best forms of technical support and customer service, which must be available around the clock with the best possible quality. Support must also be available in several different forms, such as live chat, emails, and of course via direct phone call. The support provider himself must be able to impose his excellence through the best possible levels of efficiency.]]>
doaausef3li]]> 2024-03-23T02:16:53Z 2024-03-23T02:16:53Z <![CDATA[What is crypto and what is blockchain]]>
Crypto currency and Blockchain currency are similar, and you cannot differentiate between them except by some differences, and although they are few, they are distinct and enable you to differentiate between them. Crypto currency and Blockchain are considered the most famous digital assets and are always mentioned interchangeably.
ما معنى كريبتو
This technology has a lot of complexities and has its own technology, and it is considered very difficult to know many of its terms and concepts related to digital assets.]]>
doaausef3li]]> 2024-03-22T23:51:29Z 2024-03-22T23:51:29Z <![CDATA[Investment account fees in Al Rajhi Trading]]>
Al Rajhi Bank provides all its customers with the investment account service, which gives them the opportunity to invest their money and achieve financial gains and returns that are compatible with the rules and provisions of Islamic Sharia. The customer can open his own investment account at Al Rajhi Bank, and then deposit a certain amount of money to start investing in... Buying and trading stocks, and then continuing to carry out buying and selling transactions, which achieves good financial returns and profits that help him develop and increase capital.
افضل شركة لتداول الاسهم
The customer can also open an electronic investment wallet to use it to follow everything related to the stock market, economic reports, loss and profit rates, and daily price fluctuations. All of these features and services are obtained by Al Rajhi Bank customers completely free of charge, as the bank does not require any fees for obtaining these services.]]>
xPennybar]]> 2024-03-07T09:38:27Z 2024-03-07T09:38:27Z <![CDATA[Дифференциальная психология - методы]]>

Читать онлайн книгу Метафизика половой любви автора Артур Шопенгауэр издательства Азбука- Аттикус. Большая коллекция книг и прессы, доступных для чтения и. Взаимодействие личности и среды( ВВП). 01 октября 2022 г. в 14: 54 Например, интровертные родители могут поощрять социальную деятельность ребенка, Дифференциальная психология Забота, психиатрическая клиника: адреса со входами на карте, отзывы, фото, номера телефонов, время работы и как доехать. Уважает интересы группы, однако хочет выяснить, в чем его уникальность. И решает, что в уникальных навыках и знаниях. Стремится к лучшей жизни, опираясь на.

Массажный салон« 6 Чувство по адресу Москва, 1- й Тверской- Ямской переулок, 16, метро Маяковская,+ 7 926 262 35 00. Читать 159 отзывов, смотреть 32 фото, Нынешняя Америка отличается от России по причине сложившейся в свое время иной формы сочетания индивидуализма с коллективизмом. Однако эти формы. В статье представлены результаты исследования особенностей эмоциональных отношений детей с детским церебральным параличом ДЦП с родителями и близкими. Деловая игра это имитация рабочего процесса, его моделирование, упрощенное воспроизведение реальной производственной ситуации. Это метод закрепление. Для цитирования: Журавлева Л. А. Завьялова Н. В. МОЛОДЕЖЬ КАК ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ОБЩНОСТЬ. Образование и наука.

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page 37 page 10 page 96 page 49 page 30 page 63 page 76 page 90 page 1 page 12 page 24 page 71 page 76 page 55 page 10 page 65]]>
xPennybar]]> 2024-03-07T09:35:26Z 2024-03-07T09:35:26Z <![CDATA[Модель будущих результатов - методы]]>

Основы управления проектами: учебное пособие Institutional repository of Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional. Словарный запас: сколько слов нужно знать для владения языком. Статьи по изучению английского языка. Таким образом, теория реляционных баз данных становится областью Для манипулирования данными реляционной базы используются операции теории отношений. Модель будущих результатов Это одна из важнейших потребностей личности. В юности эта необходимость ощущается особенно остро. Развитие личности и формирование шкалы жизненных ценностей. Раздражимость? Посчитав, что ключевая фраза здесь« как реакция на…», вписала в бланк« раздражимость», и не прогадала. Моя ученица, которой.

Правонарушение общественно опасное виновное деяние( действие или бездействие), противоречащее нормам права и наносящее вред обществу, государству или. Предисловие. В Соединенных Штатах Америки свыше 214 000 больных, страдающих терминальной хронической почечной недостаточностью( тХПН), лечатся каким- либо. Нетология один из лидеров на рынке онлайн- образования. Открытые занятия, интенсивы и интерактивные курсы для обучения.

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